Environmental education material for schools
Here you can download and print FSN’s environmental education material in Somali.
>> Environmental education material in Somali
What is this material about?
The topic of this education material are the trees and their benefits for people and environmental conservation. In the wider perspective the material deals with environmental issues affecting Somalia such as deforestation, soil erosion and desertification. The trees are chosen as the topic of this material because they affect the state of the environment significantly and through them it is possible to learn about environmental issues and environmental conservation in wider perspective.
Through this material the pupils are introduced to some of the most common tree species in Somalia. They will learn about the benefits that trees can provide for individuals, communities and environment. Pupils will learn about the threats affecting the trees and about the importance and ways of protecting the trees.
Please see the teacher’s manual for further information on the material and environmental education.
Target group
These cards are targeted to primary and secondary school classes. The cards can also be used for trainings and events organised for adults. In the events aiming to raise awareness on environmental issues the organizer or trainer can choose relevant information for the audience from the cards or use the cards as a source of discussion.
Printing instructions
The material contains 40 two-sided cards. Every card has one side with a picture and another with the related text. The printable pdf-document contains 80 pages so it should be printed on both sides of paper/cardboard to end up with 40 cards.
Teacher’s manual (pdf, in Somali)
The cards (pdf, in Somali)
Please note! The pdf-document of the cards is meant for printing and might not be fully accessible for reading on screen.
This material can be freely used for non-commercial purposes in schools, trainings, projects etc aiming to raise awareness on environmental issues.
About Ramaad project
This material is originally created by Finnish Somalia Network (FSN) for the Ramaad Environmental Relief Project in Somalia (2019-2022). Technical expertise was provided by Prof. Olavi Luukkanen and Dr. Badal Hassan, Viikki Tropical Resources Institute of the University of Helsinki (VITRI).
The joint project is executed by FSN and its partner organisations:
- Finland Somalia Association
- Gannaane ry
- Sahed ry
- Viikki Tropical Resources Institute of the University of Helsinki (VITRI)
- Sahal Healthcare and Development Association (SAHDA)
- Action for Relief and Development (ARD)
- Agro-Pastoral Charity Organization (APCO)
The project is funded by Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Illustration & layout
Illustration of the cards: Students of Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Visual Arts
Layout designer: Sini Strandberg, Valovirta Design / Metropolia UAS